During class we watched Super Bowl commercials and were tasked with annotating them.
The first commercial we watched was an Intel commercial that used Tom Brady as a main character in the commercial. Aside from the use of a celebrity to endorse their product they use humor to connect further with the audience. They zoom in on everyday things to make it look "epic" as well as add bathroom humor at the end of the commercial. With all of this they are probably aiming to males because of the humor as well as the actor. They are probably hoping for an age range from 25-50 because they need people that can afford it and people who will know how to use it at the same time.
The second commercial we watched was a commercial bu TurboTax. The commercial was a direct reference to the child book Humpty Dumpty. Aside from the reference to a story that a lot of people have listened to or at least heard about they add the humor of the book into the commercial. They have Humpty fall off the wall and instead of the "kings horse and men" they juxtapose that with the newer forms of emergency people. They use firefighters and EMT's to put Humpty back together and show people that you are able to do your taxes everywhere because he was doing them on top of the wall when he fell off. They are probably hoping for people between the ages 16-54 because they are generally the working class people that have smart phones and know how to use them.
The fourth commercial we watched was a commercial for the Mercedes-Benz AMG Roadster. The commercial is placed in a bar with older gentlemen that are having fun when another man put on a vinyl record playing "Born to be Wild" Be Steppenwolf but as the song goes on the men begin to blow things out. One gentleman hurt his arm and two others get tangled in each other and struggle to free themselves form each other. As the commercial goes on they add references to Peter Fonda and at then end of the commercial he makes an appearance and gets into the car and drives away as the wind blows through his hair like it would on a motorcycle. The creators of the commercial were probably hoping to reach men that are probably 35-60 and are in a "mid-life crisis". You can tell because the commercial gives references to a lot of famous older things.
While advertising my magazine I would probably incorporate different types of humor so I can reach a broader spectrum of the people. I would also make references to the typical stereotypes of certain groups of outdoors men and over-dramatize them and make them humorous without making them offensive. I would also have well known outdoors men appear in my advertisements as well as have their tips and criticisms that they face when they are boating or doing what they normally do. Finally I would probably add references to both older and newer forms of the activities that people are doing to maintain that wide age range and not focus solely on a small portion of the United States rather than make it relevant for as many people as possible.
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